Exploring the Different Kinds of Springs and Their Applications in CNC Machining(plastic rapid prototyping Edgar)

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Springs are an essential component used in various industries, including CNC machining. These mechanical devices store potential energy and work by exerting force when they are stretched or compressed. In this article, we will delve into the world of springs and explore the different types commonly employed in CNC machining processes.

1. Compression Springs:

Compression springs are one of the most widely used types of springs. They are designed to withstand compressive forces and return to their original length once the applied force is removed. When it comes to CNC machining, compression springs find extensive applications in cutting tools such as drills, end mills, and taps. The constant pressure exerted by these springs ensures consistent performance and reduces vibrations during machining operations.

2. Extension Springs:

Opposite to compression springs, extension springs possess a natural inclination to resist stretching. These springs store energy when extended and regain their original form when the load is released. In CNC machining, extension springs are primarily utilized in fixtures and clamping systems. They provide the necessary tension for securing workpieces firmly in place, allowing for precise and reliable machining operations.

3. Torsion Springs:

Torsion springs operate on the principle of twisting or torque. When subjected to rotational movement, torsion springs apply proportional resistance in the opposite direction to restore equilibrium. CNC machining often employs torsion springs in machinery doors and covers, where they assist in smooth opening and closing mechanisms. Additionally, these springs help control spindle speeds during milling or drilling procedures.

4. Constant Force Springs:

Constant force springs offer a unique characteristic wherein they deliver near-constant force over a specific range of motion. This property makes them particularly useful in applications requiring uniform force regardless of extension or compression. Within CNC machining, constant force springs prove beneficial in tensioning belts, providing constant pressure to prevent slipping and maintaining accurate positioning while transmitting power.

5. Belleville Springs:

Belleville springs, also known as disc springs or conical washers, are shaped like discs with a slightly curved profile. They operate by maintaining a consistent spring force that increases linearly with deflection. In CNC machining, these springs serve various purposes such as preloading ball screws, thrust bearings, and clutches. The inherent self-damping property of belleville springs aids in reducing vibrations and enhances the lifespan of the machinery.

6. Wave Springs:

Wave springs are novel yet highly efficient types of springs used in CNC machining applications. These flat wire compression springs provide a compact solution without sacrificing performance. Due to their space-saving design, wave springs find extensive usage in micro-machining operations where component size is critical. Furthermore, they are ideal for addressing static or dynamic bearing loads, offering greater precision and control during CNC machining tasks.


Springs play a vital role in the world of CNC machining, ensuring smooth and accurate operations while minimizing potential issues such as vibrations, slippage, and misalignment. Understanding the different types of springs and their specific uses allows engineers and manufacturers to select the most suitable option for a given application. Whether it's compression springs for cutting tools, extension springs for fixtures, torsion springs for opening mechanisms, constant force springs for belt tensioning, belleville springs for preload requirements, or wave springs for micro-machining, each type has its unique benefits in enhancing the efficiency and reliability of CNC machines. CNC Milling CNC Machining